Monday, September 2, 2024

A Few of My Favorite Things...

Gracie Fleming

1.  Canon Digital Camera - This little camera holds so many memories, it has been everywhere with me the past few years. My favourite thing about this camera is that it is able to capture some of my most treasured moments in life, with this little device I can always go back and look at people and places that bring me joy. 
2. Ceramic Coffee Mug - Another favourite thing of mine is coffee. I recently became a barista at a local coffee shop and have had so much fun creating fun coffee drinks. It's not only the coffee itself that I love but also all the amazing people I have gotten to know because of coffee.  

3. Seashell - I grew up with mountains instead of a beach so seashells are so special to me. I love going shark tooth and seashell hunting at the beaches around town. I find it fascinating how every shell is unique. 

4. Watercolour Paints - Art has always been special to me but I have recently gotten into watercolour painting and have fallen in love with it. I love how you can manipulate water to create elaborate paintings. 

5. Flagler Volleyball T-Shirt - Volleyball is a huge part of my life. Flagler volleyball has brought me to so many new people, places and things that have become a favourite part of my life. I love that I get to be a part of this team every singe day. 

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